I’m Brandi A.K.A. bmizzle4rizzle.
Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio and quite over it (Cold as ice balls about half the year. Grey, cloudy, depressing sky. Awful/Dreadful long-lasting winters. etc…) and ready to “retire” to the south.
Not that I will literally be able to retire, sadly. (According to the Social Security Administration my retirement age is (currently) set at 67 years old.) That is still 37 years of work I am expected to do! I sometimes feel so 'old' and beat-down/burnt out already. I don’t know that I will be able to do it or if I will even make it to that age. I certainly hope so, but who knows. And that’s if there is even enough left in the fund by then to pay out….but that’s a whole different topic that I can (and probably will) go on and on about, but not right now.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^That is me rambling....that happens sometimes....^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I’m quite normal. By whose standards….well that’s the real question, now isn’t it? Ha ha ha! Perhaps I am just a tad “off”, but not any more than anyone else, I suppose. I am multi-talented and like to experiment and adventure. Some would say I am a hippy at heart. I love to express myself in several ways. (I do what I want!) I have my own style. And I don’t care what anyone thinks about me.
I would like to take this time to “warn” my readers:
- My sense of humor is often dry and sarcastic. I do not expect that everyone will like or agree with what I have to say, as we all have (and are most certainly entitled to) our own opinions, views, perspectives, and morals. With that being said, you should not take offense to my opinions and/or statements as they are not directed at you personally. (Sorry, I’m not sorry, if it actually does happen to be directed at you specifically. I’m sure I have a valid reason for making mention of you.)
- I intend to entertain, not to argue or call names and the like, so I appreciate blatant negativity and/or rudeness being avoided. (Thank you.)
- Intelligent discussion, even debate is preferred over the “You’re wrong because the internet/tv said something completely different (that probably makes absolutely no sense and has no official/confirmed data source)” type of ignorant, un-researched nonsense people spew. In other words, please refrain from posting nonsense just to argue or be a jerk.
- I am quite opinionated and vocal, sometimes inappropriate/foul, as necessary. Please, don’t make me show you who "let the dogs out". Okay?! Thanks.
- No one wants to argue about politics or religion. They are both full of misconceptions and are held with such passion by so many. Again, we are all entitled to have opinions/beliefs/perspectives/stances/morals, etc. Respect that.
Thanks for understanding. I mean it's just common sense and courtesy, people! It seems that "common" is transforming into "not so common". It is extremely saddening to see what this world is coming to. It's going down! And very few people seem to notice or care or even worse; do anything about it. WHY?! Why isn't anyone doing anything about anything? Yeah. Stir on that for a bit.
Moving along…. I welcome feedback, appreciate constructive criticism, suggestions, questions, and of course kudos. I will admit that I am still fairly new to the public blogging world, but I am learning, growing and gaining new experience everyday and will continue to work at improving my skills to bring you wonderful folks some great entertainment.
This is Me.